
Joseph Flynn, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, received the O.L. Davis, Jr. Outstanding Book Award for 2018.

Given in recognition of scholarship that adds substantively to the body of knowledge about the practices and theories of curriculum and teaching, the award is presented by the American Association for Teaching & Curriculum.

Flynn’s book, “White Fatigue: Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice,” explores how what passes for multicultural education in schools is often promotion of human relations and tolerance rather than a sustained critical examination of how race and racism shape social, political, economic and educational opportunities for various groups.

The O.L. Davis, Jr. Outstanding Book Award acknowledges the spirit and belief that “those who follow our footsteps into the future will cultivate the modest efforts that we have undertaken to strengthen and improve the education of all young Americans.”

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Robin Miller Young
Robin Miller Young

Robin Miller Young, assistant professor in the Department of Special and Early Education, is celebrating recent publication of “Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education.”

Co-edited by Judith J. Carta, the book presents the wisdom and research findings of more than 25 experts on Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Young also co-authored three of the 13 chapters.

MTSS is a system-wide, prevention-oriented framework for schools and other agencies to provide effective educational services and supports, matched to children’s needs, so they can gain essential skills, knowledge and dispositions.

Read more: A Q-and-A with Young about “Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Young Children: Driving Change in Early Education” is available online.

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Natalie Andzik and Xiaodan Hu
Natalie Andzik and Xiaodan Hu

College of Education faculty members Natalie Andzik and Xiaodan Hu were selected to participate in the Principal Investigator (PI) Academy, sponsored by the NIU Division of Research and Innovation Partnerships.

The PI Academy hosts a professional development series that explores the range of activities of a successful investigator, including competitive positioning, grant writing, project management, research compliance, responsible conduct of research, working with sponsoring agencies and sustaining funding over the long-term.

It also offers an external mentorship program that supports the research culture by bringing respected scholars to campus for lectures, colloquiums and possible meetings with students.

Select faculty are matched with senior mentors from different U.S. institutions. Mentors work with the NIU faculty over the ensuing year by providing advice and mentoring around one grant proposal or publication.

Andzik, an assistant professor in the Department of Special and Early Education, and Hu, an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling, Adult and Higher Education, expect to learn the names of their mentors soon.

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Soyini Chism, a doctoral student in the Curriculum Leadership program and a physical education teacher at Joliet Central High School, published an article in the Kappa Delta Pi Record.

Co-authored with Department of Curriculum and Instruction Professor Elizabeth A. Wilkins, “Student Ownership for Blended Physical Education” explores how the Joliet Township High School Blended Physical Education program combines physical activity with technology to empower students to take ownership of their learning and fitness.

Students used the Fitbit fitness tracker and several health apps as part of their learning experience.

The Kappa Delta Pi Record is a peer-reviewed journal that presents research-based articles on compelling issues relevant to national and international education professionals.

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